Using Philanthropy As a BizDev Tool

For any company to succeed, it must have a marketing plan to reach as many potential customers as possible. Without marketing, the world may never find your business. Some companies hire marketing companies to set up a plan, and one of the new strategies on the rise is philanthropy. Especially with how large social media platforms are, showing generosity can be a great marketing strategy.

The Benefits of Social Media

Social media gives your business the ability to reach hundreds, if not thousands, of eyeballs in an instant. TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. There are over 800 million users, and the app has been downloaded over 2 billion times. A perfect place to launch a marketing campaign. PR agencies will want your company to avoid being controversial or political on these sites. So, a great way to generate positivity is to post philanthropy content. Whether it be clips of your CEO donating large sums of money, or giving away your good and services, people will be attracted to that content.

One of the largest Youtube channels, Mr. Beast generated his following by giving away large lumps of cash to random people on the street. With each of these videos, his channel grew larger and larger, and now marketing companies are picking up on his techniques to reach more people.

Attract Loyal Customers

People love to feel like they are making a difference in this world. If they see that their contributions to your company are going to philanthropy events, they will continue to offer support. Whether that be referring you to a friend, or continuing using your product, they will love seeing how they are also helping. So, if you do hire an advertising agency, have them push that narrative so you can attract loyal customers.

May Appear on the News

News stations love to find feel-good stories to promote. If your business can pull off a large-scale philanthropy event, some news stations may come and report on it. This will help your company reach some of the people who may not be on social media. Advertising agencies also love using news clips in their ads so there are so many possibilities your company could benefit from if a news station comes to one of your events.

Marketing companies are starting to see how valuable the internet is. Sometimes, giving away some of your products and posting a philanthropic event on social media could bring in more customers than traditional marketing campaigns. Contact a marketing agency now and see how philanthropy might help your business!

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